envelopeannemaree@houseofoils.com.au phone0438 417 256
Rose Geranium Essential Oil
Rose Geranium 100% Pure Essential Oil 10ml $19.40 - 25ml $29.00
Postage Australia Wide $10.00
Note: Middle - very dry and light aroma, sharp herbaceous notes
Strength of aroma: Strong
Description: Rose geranium has traditionally been known to help balance hormones as well as help alleviate PMS-related symptoms.Place in your Diffuser and you will feel calmer. It is also one of the most fragrant essential oils available and is used extensively in the perfumery and cosmetics industry.
A customer advised us? Rose Geranium Oil diluted in water/Spray bottle will ward off ticks?fill and take when out for a walk
Diffuser: Brighten your room add a few drops to your diffuser
-car diffusers top up- maybe a add to your Necklace / Bracelet/Aromatherapy Beads -rose geranium helps with pms
Caution: Non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitising. Avoid during pregnancy